
(RED) Shuffle
August 30, 2007, 10:38 am
Filed under: Campaigns, Companies, Design, Products


The following information could turn out to just be a rumor,.. but for now I’ll help spread the word >

“…..Apple’s future product plans say the company is preparing to add a red-colored model to the line of petite clip-on players, possibly as early as next week…..”

Apple has already released a (RED) iPod nano as well as a (RED) iTunes gift card. As far as the (RED) shuffle goes we’ll have to wait until next Wednesday to find out if you can (really) get your hands on it. That’s when Apple will unveil it’s new products @ San Francisco’s Moscone West convention center. Until then this is just a rumor. It’s true! Go here.

Via > AppleInsider

The 11th Hour
August 27, 2007, 4:00 pm
Filed under: Awareness, Movie


Leonardo DiCaprio e-mailed me the other day asking me to help spread the word about his new environmental flick entitled “The 11th Hour”

“With the help of over fifty of the world’s most prominent thinkers and activists, including reformer Mikhail Gorbachev, physicist Stephen Hawking, and Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai, The 11th Hour documents the grave problems facing the planet’s life systems. Global warming, deforestation, mass species extinction, and depletion of the oceans’ habitats are all addressed.However, the most powerful element of The 11th Hour is not a portrait of a planet in crisis, but an offering of hope and solutions. The film ends with a call for restorative action through reshaping human activity.”

Check the trailer out >

The 11th Hour opened on August 17th in New York and Los Angeles. On the 24th it opens in other cities, and in the following weeks across the country. Go visit 11th Hour Action to find out when it will be playing in a theatre near you. While you’re there check out what steps you can start taking today to help make our planet cleaner and greener.

Stop the Bullets. Kill the Gun.
August 24, 2007, 4:44 pm
Filed under: Articles, Awareness, Video

Check out this ad for Gun Control,… it’s shot (no pun intended) beautifully >

The tag @ the end says ” Choice. Peace on the Streets” If you know anything about this organization (or who produced it) please leave a comment.

Via > if.psfk

Little (RED) Riding Hood
August 24, 2007, 4:26 pm
Filed under: Awareness, Campaigns, Charity, Events, People, Products

Camilla Engman was chosen by the Converse 1HUND(RED) artists program to design a pair of Chucks for the (Product) RED campaign. Check out her Little Red Riding Hood inspired kicks here >


“For Converse 1HUND(RED) Artists, Engman drew upon the fabled character of Little Red Riding Hood as her primary inspiration. Engman noted, “The artist’s role in contributing to a cause is to try to help us see the cause anew, to understand it, to feel it in a visceral way.” She chose the character for her pluck and bravery, her warmth and kindness, and her iconic familiarity. Indeed, the Little Red Riding Hood character appears in many of Camilla’s works as a recurring motif. “I wanted the design not to interfere too much with the shoe and to be something I would like to wear myself. The Little Red Riding Hood character has appeared in many of my paintings and drawings and probably will again. She has so many attributes that I like,” she added.”

Converse hasn’t started selling Camilla’s kicks yet,. they’re still sampling them. Once they receive enough orders (I’m sure they will) then they’ll begin manufacturing them. So keep an eye out,.. or check back for an update. Congrats Camilla! 

Spotted over @

Bring Your Own Bag
August 22, 2007, 2:56 pm
Filed under: Awareness, Companies, Design, Products


Spotted these over @ TreeHugger >

“We can’t think of anything less chic than trashing the environment. Or toting a disposable plastic bag, for that matter. Designer Lisa Leija thought so too when she created Get Hip, Get Green, a line of attention-grabbing reusable bags made from 100 percent non-woven polypropolene with partially recycled materials, and printed with water-based inks. ($24.90 gets you five bags; a portion of the sales go toward The Green Ambassadors, a youth environmental group.)”

Keep an eye out for bags made out of PET (the stuff all those bottles of water you drink are made of) and the use of soy inks on future releases.

Available @ Get Hip Get Green

Safe Sax
August 20, 2007, 4:45 pm
Filed under: Awareness, Companies, Design, Products


This story caught my eye >

SafeSax are condom-inspired totes and handbags.  A portion of proceeds benefit AIDS organizations.  The website describes, “Safe Sax offers a new twist on the same old boring purse or bag. With color and creativity, and yes, condoms, we have created products that are fun, funky, fresh and make people stop in their tracks. Partial proceeds from the sale of our products go to non-profit organizations aligned with AIDS prevention and education.”


There’s no doubt the “Safe Sax” is a conversation starter and maybe more ; )

Via > TrendHunter

22 Flavours
August 9, 2007, 4:46 pm
Filed under: Awareness, Companies, Design, Limited-edition, Products


Check out this tasty project called 22 Flavours I spotted over at JoshSpear >

“All-around lifestyle site Lifelounge launched a new charity project recently called the 22 Flavours project. They’ve invited 22 hot/new/swanky/sweet artists and designers each to design a t-shirt based on a flavor: cotton candy, banana split, strawberries & cream, etc. Each design will be printed on 22 t-shirts and sold for 22 days on the Lifelounge website, and all of the proceeds will benefit a charity to feed the homeless called Street Smart Australia.”

Great idea/concept,..! All the flavours sound great and the designs that have been posted so far are equally delicious. Own a great looking tee and help out a great cause at the same time.  Whoever said,.. “you shouldn’t play with your food..” obviously wasn’t using their imagination. Go visit 22Flavours

Via ~ JoshSpear

Socially Responsible Networking
August 3, 2007, 5:19 pm
Filed under: Articles, Companies, Services


More and more social networking sites are popping up and becoming more niche. Move over MySpace and Facebook,.. these new Social Networking sites want to change the world.  The crew over at Coolhunting put together a nice list of some of the new kids on the net >

“Coolhunting have compiled several prime examples, including:

Friction TV, the “YouTube for social activists”,

H.E.L.P, a “telemedecine-based online community of physicians and financial donors bringing advanced medical assistance to disaster zones and areas of humanitarian need around the world”

Kiva, “a site that connects the world’s poorer populations looking to develop unique business ideas to people with disposable incomes while providing a transparent lending platform”.

 For more sites and the full article go here.

Via > PSFK

Instant Karma (Save Darfur)
August 1, 2007, 1:12 pm
Filed under: Awareness, Charity, Companies, Music, News


GoodStorm is up to so much good stuff,.. I had to let you know about their Instant Karma MixTape >

“GoodStorm has partnered with Amnesty International, Apple, and Warner Brothers’ Music to bring you “Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur”. It combines the power of John Lennon’s music recorded by some of the world’s best-known artists, together with cutting-edge forms of instant activism enabled by Internet and mobile technologies. The project will call attention to the urgent situation in Darfur where between 2 and 400,000 have died, 2.5 million have been displaced from their homes, and 4.5 million people in Darfur and hundreds of thousands in the neighboring countries of Chad and Central African Republic are at risk of starvation, disease, and further attacks. More than 50 musical artists, including U2, Christina Aguilera, Lenny Kravitz, Green Day, Ben Harper, and Aerosmith, have joined this international effort that combines John Lennon music, technology, and human rights activism. Do your part to help end the suffering in Darfur by putting the GoodStorm Instant Karma MixTape on your blog or website.”

To see all the artists on the CD and if you’d like to put the Instant Karma widget on your site or buy the album from iTunes go here.

GoodStorm (Music)
August 1, 2007, 1:00 pm
Filed under: Charity, Companies, Music, News, Services


When we originally wrote about GoodStorm back in January of this year,.. we were telling you about how they newly launched company was letting individuals design t-shirts on their site (they handled all the fulfillment) and let you keep some of the profits. Well it looks like GoodStorm is at it again,.. and this time they’re doing it with music >

“Tagged as “Capitalism Done Right,” GoodStorm‘s Mixtape connects bands and fans together and spreads the wealth. Users are able to create a play list of up to 100 songs from over 2.7 million tracks and then place it as a widget on a personal web site, blog, MySpace or Facebook page where visitors can purchase a track for a shade under a buck. Artists, who need to have signed up and uploaded their work for it to be used — so get uploading, kids — receive 65 cents. GoodStorm takes 29 cents, giving a portion of the profits to various charities and social initiatives like the Save Darfur campaign, proving philanthropically that capitalism, when done right, can be used for the greater good. You get to pocket the remaining 5 cents.”

A great example of “Capitalism Done Right” Great indie bands receive exposure, money is raised for charity,.. and you get a nickle! Yeah I know a nickel isn’t much,.. but like everything else,.. small things add up,.. (plus all you did was copy and paste some code,… don’t be greedy : )

Make your own mixtape here

Via > JoshSpear